
Flutter Case Study

Client is the largest online food delivery aggregator in Russia

Having been founded in 2019, the service reached the monthly order rate of 3 million in 2021. As of April 2021, the platform consolidates deliveries from over 43 thousand restaurants in 316 cities in Russia.

Project Idea

The true start of the Surf great story is Client. And this is also the start of the food delivery apps history in Russia. Being on the same wavelength at that time, we were ready to help Client with establishing their mobile food delivery service destined to become number one.


Android starts and wins
Launching the Android app required more attention, that’s why we started development with Google technologies. The same refers to the first tablet versions of the app. The Android app was first released in November 2019.
The mobile design was as close to the brand book as possible, i.e. Material Design with every element drawn voluminous and with shadows.

iOS development

The first versions of the iOS app were released back in the days of skeuomorphism with its typical 3D elements, gradients, and highlights.
In September 2019 demonstrated the world a flat iOS 7, and we promptly redesigned the UI and have been using Flat since then: extremely flat, elements filled with solid colours, no shadows.
Our iOS department grew along with the project.


Clean code legible to anyone
when the project was bought by German food delivery service, for $50 million. By then, the mobile app channelled 70% of orders, thus becoming a strategic business asset.
Before the deal was closed, our code went through a comprehensive audit carried out by German experts. In the end, the product was quickly and properly transferred – due to our approach to development based on Clean Architecture: we document all code in detail so that a new team has no trouble adapting to the project.
